Gut Health

Bianca Kamhi, Holistic Health & Accountability Coach 

Why is gut health so important? The human gut is more complex than previously thought and has a huge impact on whole-body health. A healthy gut contributes to a strong immune system, heart health, brain health, improved mood, healthy sleep, and effective digestion, and it may help prevent some cancers and autoimmune diseases.

Also… from speaking to many clients on the subject -  if you experience breakouts or skin conditions, an unstable mood, metabolic syndromes, or chronic inflammation - you should not ignore the possibility of an unhealthy gut. These are just a few of the many symptoms that can come about from not treating your gut well. 

How do you even know if you’re being kind or not to your gut?

Diet is huge factor. How many colors would you say you consume in your meals each day? Bright greens? cherry reds? beans? In order to really improve the bacteria in your gut, you have to make a huge effort to eat a diverse range of different foods. This is because the more species of bacteria you have from ranging foods, the greater number of health benefits they may be able to provide for your gut. According to this informative gut microbiota study in 2012, there is a huge amount of data supporting the relationship between diet, microbiota and health status among all ages. 

Where to begin?

Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of nutrients for a healthy microbiota.They are high in fiber, they can be easily digested by the body. A few great examples are:










Beans (kidney, pinto and white)

Whole grains


What should I look for in my diet?

Any food that contains polyphenols act as a wonderful support system for your gut. I know we previously mentioned the wonderful benefits of polyphenols in my last notes on wellness! These polyphenols are found in many of the foods listed above, and are also included in:


Red onions

Dark chocolate


Green tea! Yes, Matcha

The polyphenols that are abundant in matcha tea are broken down by the small intestine and colon. From there, they act as a prebiotic, encouraging the growth of good bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria. The great thing about matcha is that is provides a highly concentrated energy boost, while also avoiding indigestion and an irritated GI tract. Basically, matcha green tea is a probiotic powerhouse! 

There was even a recent study that shows a correlation between the polyphenols from matcha and the healthy microbiota that are associated with lower levels of triglycerides and C-reactive protein, which is a marker of inflammation.


Is this a colorful diet sustainable?

Positive gut health comes from devoting your diet to whole, plant-based foods like the ones listed above, foods that are rich in polyphenols, fermented foods and whole grains.


When will I see results?

Once you are on a better track with your gut health, you should see less stomach bloating, consistent energy, improved skin & hair condition, enjoy better sleep, have consistent bowel movements and overall, you will be able to handle stress better.

I thoroughly enjoy utilizing my matcha as my morning source of energy but it also gives me great sense of satisfaction knowing that I am doing all I can to improve my gut health at the same time! 

Of course there are other contributing factors to gut health as well, such as the amount of time a woman breast feeds (6 months is recommended) and what you chose to eliminate out of your diet, such as artificial sweeteners. For questions or guidance, contact me anytime.


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